Learning & Development

We help leaders and managers learn to embrace and develop new competencies and behaviors to improve their individual and wider team performance to provide organizational impact.


At LHH, we believe coaching is a truly transformative experience developed through a deeply human connection that propels executives and businesses to success. We’ve been coaching leaders for more than 50 years throughout all stages of their career. We know and understand the challenges of transforming a business, optimizing a team and unleashing deep-rooted personal growth from leaders.

We recognize that executives are different. They are responsible for transformation and are facing difficult decisions every day. Whether it’s taking your leadership team or organization to the next level, leading a large transformation initiative, or accelerating performance, our team of certified best-in-class coaches consisting largely of C-suite executives who have a wealth of experience and expertise to help leaders realize their potential, increase self-awareness and create lasting change.

Some benefits of executive coaching:

  • Moderates the relationship of emotional and social development with work engagement and career satisfaction.
  • Positive impacts in attitude, coping, self-regulation, and well-being
  • Behavior shifts related to leading, managing, and finding strategies for coping with challenging situations.

COVID-19 has shone a light on leadership challenges. Employees are demanding more from their leaders and stress levels are higher than ever. New expectations of leaders require resilience, agility and trust, especially in a remote working environment. One of the best ways to support leaders in this complex environment, is to ensure they have a trusted and experienced coach in their corner.

Contact LHH to learn more >

  • LHH L&D benefits
  • Leadership development
  • Coaching
  • Individual Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Coaching Teams and Groups
  • Talent Management & Assessments
LHH L&D benefits

Why LHH?


We have successfully partnered with individuals and businesses to unlock their true potential, benefiting both them and the wider business. We combine leading-edge technology and proven psychological development tools to provide scalable solutions to organizations of every size across all industries.


Whether you wish to develop your leaders or you need support to make talent decisions confidently, LHH will design the solutions that will provide you with the desired impact.


We take a human-first approach and adapt according to the needs of each leader and each organization. Every leader we work with benefits from exposure to the latest assessment techniques, e-learning tools, and individual and/or group coaching alongside instructor-led sessions. While being anchored into your business and people strategies, our solutions reflect your individuals’ learning preferences and your organizational learning culture.


Leadership development

At LHH, we support organizations just like yours to meet your business goals through a range of coaching solutions and leadership development programs.


What is leadership development?


Leadership development is a journey an individual takes to better understand their strengths so they can leverage those strengths for enhanced performance in their role. It is a process of personal and professional discovery. Equally, leadership development aims at drawing individuals’ attention on their potential areas for improvement, which at times may prevent them from growing as a leader and from delivering the leadership impact they wish to have.


For organizations, leadership development is an investment in your employees. By doing so, you establish an environment in which your employees can develop and grow, which can benefit your organization in numerous ways.


By leadership development solutions to leaders, organizations can:


  • Retain the best talent. Leaders recognize how beneficial leadership development is for their careers and their success and for thriving in the job they perform. By supporting them in their development, you are investing in them, and they recognize this. It will encourage your leaders to stay with you and grow in a way that makes sense for them and for your business.
  • Build the talent your business needs. Leadership development supports your business strategy by helping your leaders and managers to acquire and to further develop the leadership competencies they need to deliver on your strategy.
  • Build happier teams. Corporate culture is driven by the morale and attitudes of those at the top. By investing in your leaders, you raise their morale. This helps to raise the morale of other team members, which increases engagement and improves retention.
  • Create better, more impactful leaders. The more impactful your managers, the more productive your employees, generally. Leadership development improves a leaders’ ability to make better decisions on behalf of the organization and to support their direct reports in the further development their own skills.


Individual leaders recognize the benefits exposure to a leadership development brings. They benefit by:


  • Developing their skills and strengths to push them forward in their role and career.
  • Having the time, space, support, and resources to make positive changes, both personally and professionally.
  • Being offered the opportunity to stay up to date in their leadership practices.
  • Performing at their best with their teams. Effective leadership increases team effectiveness. By empowering your leaders to reach their own potential they can bring out the best in their teams.


Who do we help?


Your leadership development interventions can be built around the four key career moments:

  1. Integrate – when you recruit new leaders, we can help them build relationships and a productive and engaged working environment to drive performance
  2. Elevate – when your leaders need a lift to drive themselves forward, we can support them to do so
  3. Navigate –we help leaders learn how to organize and inspire others to help their teams reach output and performance targets
  4. Accelerate – leaders who have what it takes to be great leaders are supported to reach their full potential


When you invest in your people – every organization’s greatest asset – you invest in your organization.


LHH offers all types of coaching: we support individuals from managerial and up to C-suite levels. We also support groups of people facing similar challenges and intact teams that want to reach higher levels of effectiveness.


Our coaching offering was designed to help your organization reach its true potential.


  • Premier executive coaching. Bespoke support for C-suite, board members and executives who want to make positive changes to their career or business
  • Signature 1:1 coaching. Personalized support tailored to your employee’s personal and/or business goals
  • Group coaching. Strengthen how your teams collaborate and improve performance with our group coaching solution

Perfect match between your leaders and their coach


LHH has more than 2,000 coaches globally, working across 66 countries and covering 45 languages. These coaches are certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


We listen to your objectives and allocate the coach best-placed to help you meet those objectives. Within our large pool of coaches, we are confident to find the perfect profile to support your leaders with experiences in the right industry, hierarchical level, exposure to relevant business challenges, local language, etc. We strongly recommend a chemistry meeting before any coaching engagement to start, which ensures your leader is comfortable with the suggested coach. If not, alternatives will always be offered for everyone to confidently start any coaching engagement.


Coaching Journey

Individual Coaching
  • 86% - amount of average productivity increase coaching provides compared to 22% with training alone
  • 80% of people who receive coaching report an increase in self-confidence


The benefits of LHH’s coaching model for all types of managers and directors (ranging from front-line leaders up to senior leaders) lies in results-based coaching. We lean on a model, credentialized by ICF, that focuses on results to measure outcomes. Any coaching engagement starts with aligning purpose and goals of the coaching with your leaders’ needs and with your organization’s strategic objectives.


Whether you wish to support one of your leaders or want to make coaching available for a wider group of leaders, LHH international pool of coaches and our scalable solutions will meet each and every of your demands.


Making coaching accessible and affordable to anyone with Virtual Coaching


In many organizations, coach is something that’s reserved for the very top leaders. At LHH, we think organizations can achieve more if they spread this superpower of coaching to everyone. We created Ezra to make coaching as easy as booking tickets online or messaging a friend.


If you need to scale and deliver coaching to 50 or more people across your organization, Ezra is an intuitive, app-based coaching solution that lets your employees choose a coach, schedule live video coaching sessions, and chat with their coach about their goals, plans, and challenges – all in a way that’s aligned to your company’s objectives and measured in a way that matters to you.


Virtual coaching with Ezra can also be integrated into any of our leadership development solutions and journeys.


Take me to helloezra.com

Executive Coaching

The executive coaching is designed to help leaders develop and leverage their strengths so they can perform more effectively in their role. They will identify and address blind spots and change mindset and behaviors, when necessary, to allow them to adapt constructively to changes within your organization.

  • The executive coaching is structured as follows: Carry out a full assessment to develop self-awareness
  • Provide feedback to create acceptance and maximize motivation to change
  • Create and implement an action plan
  • Agree on the desired results (personal and business)
  • Collect and analyze data-driven results


LHH has developed a framework that captures the most common priorities Executives want and need to be coached on:


executive coaching

Coaching Teams and Groups

Team Coaching


When does Team Coaching help?


  • When intact teams want to achieve objectives, add value, and reach their potential
  • When intact teams are new and need to work together
  • When intact teams need their best self to work, strive, and grow
  • When intact teams are struggling to align on common goals and build a strong relationship together

Based on assessment of current state of the Team and the desired state they want to achieve, LHH will design the relevant coaching journey for your Team.


Group Coaching


Group coaching supports individuals (with or without managerial responsibilities) with similar development needs. Group coaching offers the perfect balance between meeting the individuals’ development needs while experiencing the value of learning with and through others. Group coaching encourages feedback from and reflection with peers and fosters a development mindset that is so crucial in today uncertain and ever-changing environments.

Group coaching journeys will be designed to meet the unique development needs of any group of individuals that need to reflect on and enhance their leadership behaviors for them to be better equipped to address their business challenges and to enhance employees’ engagement.


Developing a coaching culture

By building a coaching culture within your organization, you can:

  • Onboard employees faster and more smoothly
  • Increase employee engagement
  • Improve overall performance
  • Develop employees and leaders faster
  • Move towards a greater feedback culture
  • Develop self-reflection and self-awareness


As coaching providers, we can train your leaders to become effective coaches to help build trust, engagement, and empowerment throughout your organization. Your managers and team leaders can develop the skills and knowledge they need to unlock the potential of every employee on their team, enhancing both individual and team performance.


Our solutions range from providing your Line Managers with the foundational elements of being a coach to becoming an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certified coach through LHH. This allows your organization to develop its coaching culture further to become an organization that advocates coaching as a means to improve performance and engagement.

Talent Management & Assessments

Having the right talent at the right place at the right time and with the right skills is an everyday challenge. With our wide range of assessment solutions, we can help you address any challenge your organization is facing:


  • How to identify my high potentials in a fair, reliable, and accepted manner?
  • How to accelerate the development of my leaders to accelerate their readiness to take on higher or expanded roles?
  • How to ensure people are investing their efforts in developing the skills that will make a real difference?
  • How to ensure I have a supply of talent ready to replace those who will retire soon?
  • How to improve the quality of our promotion decisions?
  • How to ensure that external people we hire have the right skill set and mindset to be successful in our organization?


If any of these challenges sounds familiar to you, then you are in the right place! Our LHH experts will be designing with you the relevant solutions that deliver value to both your organizations and your talents.


Our approach is rooted into your business strategy and its implications on your people strategy and talent requirements


Talent Management Assessments

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